
ANCCI University
Has A Degree For You!

Degrees Description

Associate in Theology
30 credit hours.  Credits earned in certificate in Theology can be transferred to . The credit earned in Certificate in Theology will be credited in Associate in Theology This program which can be take online or on campus.

Bachelor of Divinity Degree
60 credit hours. This program is designed for the persons who are ministering or preparing to minister. The credits earned in Associate degree are transferable to BD program. This degree maybe completed within four years or as little as a two years period.

Master of Theology/Master of Divinity
36 hours above Bachelor Degree level. MA students must take twelve credit hours in their field of specialization plus a dissertation with a minimum of 20,000 words. The field of specialization includes: Biblical Theology, systematic theology, Historical theology, Christian Counseling, Family Therapy based on Christian Principle, Theology and development, Anthropological approach to Pastoral care. Church planting, missiology, Christology, Pneumatology.

Doctor of Theology/Doctor of Philosophy in Theology
30 credit hours above Master Degree which are applicable to the area of specialization plus a dissertation. The student will select the topic under the guidance of a designated professor with the approval of the Dean. The dissertation must have a minimum of 20,000 words and a maximum of 25,000 words. Doctorate and Master Students may elect to specialize in one of the following areas: Biblical Studies, Theology, Ecclesiastical History, and Pastoral Theology, Pastoral Psychology, Christian Counseling, Christian Education, Ministry, or Missiology. The student will choose the topic for research under the guidance of the course professor with the approval of the Dean.

Certificate in Theology
24 credits hours. This program intends to enhance students’ knowledge of Christian faith and the Holy Scriptures and pastoral care and how to facilitate Bible study groups. It can also be audited and is available on line and on campus.


The student may enroll for a minimum of six credit hours or maximum of twelve credits hours but must finish the registered courses within fifteen weeks or else he has to withdraw or get a failing grade. All fees must be paid before a course can be taken.

Tools for the evaluation of course work may include:

  • Written Exams
  • Research Papers
  • Position papers
  • Thesis and Dissertation

ANCCI Calendar 2023 - 2025

May 6 - June 24, 2023

July 8 - August 26, 2023

September 9 - November 28, 2023

January 6 - March 9, 2024

May 4 - June 22, 2024

July 6 - August 24, 2024

September 7 - November 23, 2024

January 4 - March 22, 2024

May 3 - June 28, 2025

July 12 - August 23, 2025


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ANCCI UniversityANCCI University Curriculum

All courses carry 3 credit hours unless otherwise indicated.

Course Areas

* Core Curriculum

Biblical Studies

BS 101 Old Testament Survey
BS 102 New Testament Survey
BS 103 Biblical languages (Greek, Hebrew)
BS 104 Matthew
BS 105 Luke
BS 106 John
BS 202 Mark
BS 203 Pauline Literature
BS 204 The Fourth Gospel
BS 205 Johannine Literature
BS 206 Acts of the Apostles
BS 301 Revelation
BS 302 Romans
BS 305 1 and 2 Samuel
BS 306 1and 2 Kings
BS 313 Ruth
BS 401 Wisdom Literature
BS 402 Major prophets
BS 403 Minor Prophets
BS 404 Daniel
Book of Hebrews


TH 301 Introduction to Psychology
TH 401 Old Testament Theology
TH 402 New Testament Theology
TH 403 Patristic Era Theology
TH 404 Reformation Theology
TH 405 The Christian Creeds
TH 501 Systematic Theology 1
TH 502 Systematic Theology 2
TH 503 Christology
TH 504 Pneumatology
TH 505 The Holy Trinity
TH 506 Ecclesiology
TH 507 Jesus and Pre-christian Religions

Theology and Development

TD 101 Introduction to development issues
TD 102 Theology and economic development
TD 103 Biblical basis of development
TD 104 Secular development and Biblical based development
TD 105 Integral mission
TD 201 Multi dimensions of poverty
TD 202 Cross cultural Transformation
TD 204 Role of Religion in development
TD 205 Role of the church in development
TD 301 Theology and disaster management
TD 302 Theology and Environmental conservation
TD 303 Church and society

Christian Counseling

CC501 Christian Counseling
CC502 Pastoral Counseling
CC503 Crises Counseling
CC505 Theories of Counseling
CC505 Marriage Counseling
CC506 Success in Marriage
CC507 Pastoral Care to the mentally III
CC508 Pastoral Care to the Adolescents
CC509 Pastoral Care to Young Adults
CC510 Pastoral Care to the middle Aged
CC511 Pastoral Care to the Elderly
Counselling Psychology

Church History

CH 101 Introduction to Church History
CH 102 General Church History
CH 103 The Early Church History (70-312)
CH 104 The Age of Christian Empire (312-590)
CH 105 Medieval Church (590-1517)
CH 201 The Reformation (1518-1648)
CH 202 The Age of Progress (1789-1914)
CH 203 The Age of Ideological Battles (1915 to Present)
Ch 301 The Church in Asia
CH 302 African American Church History
CH 303 A History of African Christianity
Ch 304 A History of Native American Church
CH 401 Church in Latin America
CH 402 Bible and Archeology
CH 403 Jesus and History

Pastoral Theology

PT 101 *Introduction to Pastoral Care
PT 102 *Anthropological Approach to Pastoral Care
PT 103 Psychology of Religion
PT 104 Sociology of Religion
PT 105 Crisis Counseling
PT 106 Ministry to the Elderly
PT 201 Spiritual Pilgrimage
PT 202 Church Leadership
PT 203 Group Dynamics and Religious experience
PT 204 Spiritual Formation
PT 205 Christian Ethics
PT 301 Introduction to Psychology
PT 302 Theories of Personality
PT 303 Pastoral Services
PT 304 Abnormal Psychology
PT 305 Pastoral Care to the Mentally Ill
PT 306 Marriage and the Family
PT 307 Social Problems in US Society
PT 308 Ministry to the People Living with HIV/AIDS
PT 309 Divine Healing
PT 310 Orphans ministry
PT 311 Developmental Psychology of Religion
PT 312 Church Growth
PT 313 Pastoral Psychology


PT 401 Liturgy Practicum
PT 402 *Homiletics
PT 404 Introduction to Sacred Music
PT Spirituality of the Prayer Book
PT 405 Preaching From Lectionary
PT 406 Independent study

PT Daily Office
PT Fruitful Family


MI 101 *Biblical Mandate of Missions
MI 102 Evangelism
MI 103 Planning and Execution of Short Term Missions
MI 104 Transcultural Communications
MI 105 Missions to Specific Target Populations
MI 201 Principles of Power Communication
MI 202 Church Planting


RELI 401 Christian Ethics
RELI 402 Religion and Philosophy
RELI 403 Introduction to Ethics
RELI 405 Islam Introduction
RELI 406 Islamic Studies

Religious Education

RED 501 Foundation of Christian Education
RED 502 Foundation of Christian Education II
RED 503 Guidance and Counseling
RED 504 Administration and Supervisionbr /> RED 505 Philosophy of Christian Education


ANDMI 101 Church as an Organization
ANDMI 102 *Church Leadership
ANDMI 103 Church and the Law


EL 101 Human Sexuality
EL 102 Spiritual Direction
EL 103 Clinical Pastoral Education
EL 201 Internship
EL 202 ALPHA Leadership
EL 203 Conflict Management
EL 204 Independent study
EL 205 How to write a response paper
Book Review Syllabus

Christian Leadership and Holistic Governance

LG 101 Success in Leadership
LG 102 Leadership Principles
LG 103 Holistic Governance
LG 104 Public relations
LG 105 Motivating and influencing teams
LG 106 Communication skills
LG 107 Accountability in Leadership
LG 108 Leadership styles
LG 109 Leadership and Personal development
LG 110 Organization and Corporate Culture
LG 111 Project Management
LG 112 Policy Development
LG 113 Entrepreneurship
LG 113 Business Strategy and Business Development
LG 114 Business and Society
LG 115 Marketing and Market Strategy
LG 116 Financial Analysis and Strategy
LG 117 Redefined leadership
LG 118 Renewal of mindset
LG 119 Personal Leadership
LG 120 New Alpha leadership
LG 121 Modern leadership trends
LG 122 Leadership in extra ordinary times
LG 123 Exceptional leadership
LG 124 Leading Organizational Change

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